Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Occasionally when the mood strikes I am going to offer a random hot tip. My husband will be the first to tell you I am terribly moody so I could be posting hot tips rather often.
Here is the first one!  I have been doing some intense research on mold in the garden.  I have a problem with mold. My backyard is on the north side of our house and it always seems to be damp.  There are chemical options to eradicate fungi, but I'm not sure any of them are safe for veggie plants. Besides I have dogs and kids, I don't want chemicals in my yard at all. My research tells me that mixing CORNMEAL into the soil will help keep the mold out of your garden.
PREVENT MOLD -- Now I have to confess I have never tried this, but even if it doesn't work it won't hurt anything.  Cornmeal from the store will work just fine, as does horticultural grade cornmeal.  The meal from the grocery store runs about  $2.00 per pound or $4.50 for a 40oz box.  I have no idea where in Orange County you can purchase the horticultural grade but it is cheaper.  You can buy it in bulk over the internet, however the shipping cost more than doubles the price. Most of you should be able to make due with one or two boxes from the store.
The recommended ratio is 2 pounds of cornmeal for every 100 square feet (or 10' x 10') area.  Spread it out, mix it into the soil and water it well.  The water activates the fungus killing properties so you gotta water it.
Or if you already have plants that are prone to mold:

Mix one cup of cornmeal with a gallon of water and let it soak overnight.  Strain the liquid and place in a spray bottle to spray susceptible plants.

TO GET RID OF EXISTING MOLD --  Use this recipe to get rid of powdery mold. (See photo)
Baking Soda Recipe
First, water the infected plants WELL a couple of days before applying 
then mix together
1 tablespoon of baking soda
1/2 teaspoon liquid soap
1 gallon of water
Mix well and spray on affected plants.
The liquid soap helps the soda water to stick to the plants

DO NOT STORE THE UNUSED MIXTURE -use it right away then toss any leftovers
CAUTION!! This mixture can burn the leaves of some plants so test it out in a small area first AND DO NOT APPLY IN FULL SUN. I recommend applying at the end of the day.

And one more tip. If you decide to remove any foliage that is infected with the mold, be careful! Wear a mask of some kind, gloves and some sort of eye wear. The powdery mold is just that, powdery, and when disturbed it will fly everywhere.  If you have asthma or allergies this can even be dangerous.  You don't want your garden making you sick.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mary, I came across your blog, looking for a solution to my mold problem on some on my plants in my yard. Thanks for the tip, I'll definitely try it. Looking more into your info, I noticed you live in Westminster...that's where my sister Cindy lives.

    Upon further sleuthing and me just being nosey, you're friends with my friend Trish and several other people in the Market industry. Also you know so many of my sister's friends too in that area. Such a small world and I will be checking out your very informative blog. I could use all the help I can get.

    Cheryl :)
