Sunday, July 3, 2011

I'm Back!

Boy do I have a story to tell, really when don't I?  Four days after my last post I taught a gardening class.  It was a beautiful Saturday morning and the class went really well.  But by the time I got home, about noon, I wasn't feeling well.  I curled up on the couch with my daughter and rented a movie on Pay Per View.  Come early Monday morning I was in some serious pain. I get kidney stones and I was sure I was passing one. Whether or not I actually had a stone is actually now up for debate.  The doctor doesn't think so, but she wasn't there on that Monday morning so what does she know.  What is for certain is that I stayed on pain meds for a week before going to see the doctor and by then I had a raging kidney infection!  Two rounds of antibiotics and almost six weeks later and I was just beginning to feel better.  I honestly don't think I have ever been that sick in my life.  My poor garden was absolutely neglected, and I think it survived by simple divine intervention.
Somewhere in the middle of May I managed to get back in there.  With the help of our full time missionaries I caught up on my weeds and I was back in business.  By the way, full time Mormon missionaries put in lots of service hours (yes these are the boys in white shirts and ties that usually ride around on bikes).  If you ever need help with just about anything around your house,yard or community, these are the boys to call.  They are wonderful and they don't charge a thing, and you don't have to be Mormon.
 Since my last post I have harvested all of my green beans and carrots and planted more. I have planted patty pan, butternut and zucchini squash.  I actually planted all the squash several times as a couple of snotty crows have been giving me a really hard time. They eat my seeds and tear up my little seedlings. I have begun to harvest my cucumbers and we are really enjoying them.  I also planted three tomato plants, only to have the gophers eat the roots of one and part of another.  They get to the last one and I'm gonna go Caddy Shack on them!  The green onions have been really tasty and last night I just picked my first bell pepper but I'm still waiting on the jalapenos.
Naturally I have already been using my herbs in just about everything I cook.
My life has had some ups and downs of complete chaos lately.  The newest course added to my already full plate is a new full time job.  Unfortunately my garden is showing some signs of neglect again.  But I find that is the beauty of gardening, it can be very forgiving.  We will get back on track together soon.
I'm looking forward to getting back to blogging too.  I'm going to be helping my mom get a small garden started.  It's NEVER too late in So Cal to start a garden, we can do it here all year round.  So I will be sharing some pictures of that.  I will also be sharing my adventures with the gophers, crows and some pesky white flies that have seriously worn out their welcome at my house.
Happy Gardening!